SCAR TISSUE forms when the skin gets wounded whether it’s from acne on the face, an illness such as chickenpox, an accident, or a surgical procedure (i.e. cesarean birth). This natural healing process is beneficial and can be lifesaving, yet scar tissue leaves a mark in more ways than one.
When the skin is wounded, the body starts the process of healing and will create a scar. It is made of collagen fibers that are laid down in a random fashion creating a fibrous mass. Peak production is around 21 days, slows down over time, yet it can continue for 1 to 2 years.
The depth of scar tissue can be envisioned and compared to the depth of an iceberg, the greatest amount of collagen fibers is below the surface of the skin. Depending on the depth, scar tissue can adhere to nearby organs and muscles, which can lead to restricted movement and/or pain. For example, a scar from cesarean birth could lead to bladder pain or frequent urination, pain with sexual intercourse, or low-back pain.
Every scar has a story. Depending on the story, it can leave an emotional imprint. For instance, a small childhood scar may be forgotten as an adult or someone may be filled with gratitude for a life-saving surgical procedure. Yet we must recognize that someone may have a more in-depth story with their scar and experience stronger emotions such as anger, fear, guilt, trauma, low self-esteem or feelings of disconnection with the body.
Just as massage therapy can help tight muscles to release and relax, most scars can benefit from massage therapy. Recognizing how important scar therapy work is, I became a certified McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release® (MSTR®) practitioner. This gentle treatment encourages densely bound collagen fibers of the scar to open, allowing increased blood & lymph flow in the area, which encourages health and wellness. According to a 2019 research project, MSTR® reduced overall scar tissue from cesarean birth by more than 30% in a single 15-minute treatment. These findings are encouraging, especially since I specialize my work with people who may have a cesarean birth and can offer MSTR® to these clients. Further research is being conducted this year with results pending by the end of 2023.
MSTR® can be applied as early as 8 weeks after acquiring a scar (with complete healing & healthcare provider consultation) or anytime afterwards whether it’s been 15 weeks or 15 years. Most scars can receive MSTR® treatment. It takes approximately 7-15 minutes to implement and this specialized treatment can be part of your massage session.
For more information on scar therapy, including a helpful e-book entitled The Human Side of Scars, visit the MSTR® website